Not to make light of the fact that pirates have hijacked a ship with American citizens, the pirate keyboard is a bit of fun.
Not to make light of the fact that pirates have hijacked a ship with American citizens, the pirate keyboard is a bit of fun.
The new report “Science and Engineering Indicators 2008” has just been released. This is that biannual report by the National Science Foundation’s Division of Science Resources Statistics under the National Science Board that reveals the state of science education, research and development trends, health of the science and technology industry, and the understanding of science among children and adults in the United States.So the purpose of this report is to just determine where we stand in terms of education for America's kids and how adults interpret science, at least as of 2006. Right? But please note:
Being a collection of surveys, the report cautioned readers that some of the information is “subject to numerous sources of error and should be treated with caution.” Remembering these are survey results can offer insights into some of the seeming inconsistencies in the findings. What people say and what they do, or are able to do, sometimes differ.So while we may find some insights in this report, we must be careful how we apply the results of this study to the entire population of American students.